Sleeping Bags: Discount Mummy & Rectangular Sleeping Bags
A sleeping bag is one of the most important pieces of any outdoor enthusiasts camping gear. An appropriate sleeping bag will ensure comfort in any weather condition and help you wake well-rested and prepared for your day. At Eagle Camping, we sell a complete selection of sleeping bags so you can buy just the right sleeping bag for any occasion. Our selection of discount sleeping bags includes down sleeping bags, synthetic sleeping bags, mummy sleeping bags, rectangular sleeping bags, women's sleeping bags, children's sleeping bags, cold weather sleeping bags, and more.

Buying the Best Sleeping Bag
Having the right sleeping bag can make or break a camping trip. Therefore, it is important that you consider the conditions in which you will be camping as well as your personal preferences in order to find the right sleeping bag for you. The following guide provides several factors that can help you to determine which sleeping bag is the best choice based on your needs and preferences.
Intended Use
The first consideration you will need to make when selecting which sleeping bag is best is how you plan to use your sleeping bag. This will help you to recognize which aspects are most important to you and help you to be the most comfortable when sleeping. The main aspects of environment that you should consider include
- Wet or Dry Conditions: If there is a possibility that you will encounter rain or wet conditions, you will want to be sure to buy a water-resistant or waterproof bag to block moisture and keep you dry.
- Indoors, Outdoors, or in a Tent: Indoor conditions tend to be more climate-controlled, so you will not need to consider outdoor temperatures when selecting a sleeping bag. However, if you will be hiking or backpacking and will be carrying your gear you will want to select a sleeping bag that is lighter and easier to carry.
- Warm, Cold, or Moderate Temperatures: Most sleeping bags come with temperature ratings that are set by the manufacturer. A good rule is to buy a sleeping bag that is rated for the coldest temperature that you will possibly encounter.
Temperature Rating
Sleeping bags are each given a certain temperature rating that is set by the manufacturer. The lower the rating the warmer the bag will be. The average sleeping bag is rated to about 40 degrees. If you plan to camp in warm weather but also on cooler nights, you should look for a three-season bag with a lower rating. When determining which sleeping bag is best, you will want to consider the coldest night that you will experience and then buy a bag rated for about 10 degrees cooler. If you prefer to be extra warm when sleeping, you may want to buy a sleeping bag rated another 10 or so degrees lower. To ensure that your sleeping bag performs to its best abilities, you should use it with an appropriate sleeping pad or air mattress for extra insulation.
The fill or insulation type plays a large part in sleeping bag temperature rating. Sleeping bags can be filled with goose or duck down or synthetic insulation.
- Down Sleeping Bags: Down sleeping bags are lightweight and compressible, making them ideal for backpacking or hiking trips. However, because down loses most of its insulating capacity when wet and it takes a long time to dry, down sleeping bags are not recommended for wet conditions.
- Synthetic Sleeping Bags: Synthetic sleeping bags are typically more affordable than down sleeping bags and higher-end synthetic fills can insulate nearly as well as down. Synthetic sleeping bags will work when wet and dry quickly, making them ideal for wet conditions including for boating or rafting trips. A downside to synthetic sleeping bags is that they take up more space when packed and tend to be heavier.
Size and Shape
Sleeping bags come in various sizes and shapes. Choosing the best sleeping bag will depend on your body type, sleeping habits, and the environment. The most popular types of sleeping bags include:
- Mummy Sleeping Bags
- Rectangular Sleeping Bags
- Double Sleeping Bags
- Women's Sleeping Bags
- Children's Sleeping Bags
- Extra Long Sleeping Bags
Additional Features
Finally, you should consider some additional features and options available to you when selecting the best sleeping bag. Other features that are available on sleeping bags include:
- Water-proof or water-resistant shells
- Removable fleece linings
- Two-way zippers for ventilation
- Hood to keep heat around the head
- Draft collar to prevent heat loss around the neck and shoulders
- Extra insulation or fleece pocket for feet
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